CLD Records Centre

Welcome to the RECORDS CENTRE for Continuous Leo Development Education Program.

THE CONTINUOUS LEO DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM was established at the 2nd District B2 Lions Convention on 29/4/2000. It provides comprehensive training facilities to improve the Leo education and knowledge and thus, be a highly disciplined, well organized and effective body in their activities with a deep sense of commitments towards our Leo Program.

 THE CLD RECORDS CENTRE is an education warehouse, ready for use by the Lions and Leos in our District 308 B2. The Centre also has comprehensive materials to train 1) Leo Key Officers, 2) Leo Advisors, and 3) Faculty Advisors. The Centre keeps proper records of Leo activities and CLD Leo participants.

A CLD WORKING COMMITTEE continuously looks into the materials, updates, and control of the syllabus for the Leo education program. The Committee trains and appoints CLD Speakers to conduct lectures for the participants.

THE IMPLEMENTATION of this program is carried out by the District Chairperson for Leo Clubs Development.